Podcast introduction Welcome aboard the Ebbelwei-Express

Come and discover
our lively city on a historic tram. Enjoy an hour-long tour taking in history, stories, monuments and memorable sights along the way.

We hope you have a great trip!
Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt am Main

Tips on enjoying the audio tour

The trip on the Ebbelwei-Express starts at the zoo and the circuit takes you past Frankfurt am Main’s most important sights.

To help you get the most out of the tour, you’ll hear a tone at the start of each audio file, the number of the section and the name of the stop that you’re approaching. We’ll then tell you about the sights that you’ll be seeing either on the left or the right. You can switch between stops on your MP3 player as you wish, provided you’ve downloaded all the podcast files to your MP3 player in the correct order. You’ll hear another tone at the end of each section. If you hear this before arriving at the next stop, pause your MP3 player and wait until you get there.


Before we start our city tour, we’d first of all like to introduce you to our Ebbelwei-Express. Trams in Frankfurt are identified by a consecutive series of letters. The latest type of tram is the S train. The Ebbelwei-Express is a generation K tram and was built between 1949 and 1954 by Duewag/Crede. The carriage is 11.44 metres long, 2.16 metres wide and has room for 22 seated and eight standing passengers. It weighs 13 tonnes and is powered by two 60 kW engines. VGF has a total of four engine carriages and six trailer carriages in its inventory.

We hope you enjoy your trip through our beautiful city. If the tram has already moved away from the Zoo stop, please quickly move on to the next section.
